The 3rd International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (BANU ITSC'23) was completed successfully.

The 3rd International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (BANU ITSC'23) was completed successfully.

ITSC'23 has been completed successfully. Click to access our relevant news text and photos.

AUSDER President Erol YANAR’s speech

AUSDER President Erol YANAR’s speech

AUSDER President Erol YANAR’s going to make a speech in our conference

President of TUBITAK-BİLGEM Prof. Hacı Ali MANTAR’s speech

President of TUBITAK-BİLGEM Prof. Hacı Ali MANTAR’s speech

President of TUBITAK-BİLGEM Prof. Hacı Ali MANTAR is going to make a speech in our conference

President of TÜBİTAK Prof. Hasan MANDAL make a speech

President of TÜBİTAK Prof. Hasan MANDAL make a speech

President of TÜBİTAK Prof. Hasan MANDAL is going to make a speech in our conference.

HGM General Manager Ensar KILIÇ make a speech

HGM General Manager Ensar KILIÇ make a speech

HGM General Manager Ensar KILIÇ is going to make a speech in our conference

Tiffany VLEMMINGS and Giovanni HUISKEN EU project: SOCRATES 2.0

Tiffany VLEMMINGS and Giovanni HUISKEN EU project: SOCRATES 2.0

Tiffany VLEMMINGS and Giovanni HUISKEN is going to give some information about EU project: SOCRATES 2.0

Dr. Young Kyun LEE, AUS Kore Deputy Director

Dr. Young Kyun LEE, AUS Kore Deputy Director

Dr. Young Kyun LEE, AUS Kore Deputy Director will be made a speech.

ITS Korea will participate our conference

ITS Korea will participate our conference

ITS Korea As a goverment orignated organization ITS Korea will be our guest in this conference...